Energetické služby

Poskytujeme komplexní služby v oblasti energetiky pro zajištění bezpečnosti a efektivity energetické infrastruktury.

Rows of solar panels are arranged in a diagonal pattern across a green field. The panels are uniformly spaced and cover a large area, emphasizing renewable energy and sustainability.
Rows of solar panels are arranged in a diagonal pattern across a green field. The panels are uniformly spaced and cover a large area, emphasizing renewable energy and sustainability.
Two large wind turbines are situated in a lush, forested area with hills and scattered clearings. A small road winds through the greenery, leading to a building nestled among the trees. The landscape features expansive views of rolling hills, fields, and forested areas.
Two large wind turbines are situated in a lush, forested area with hills and scattered clearings. A small road winds through the greenery, leading to a building nestled among the trees. The landscape features expansive views of rolling hills, fields, and forested areas.
Obnovitelné zdroje

Podporujeme rozvoj a implementaci obnovitelných zdrojů energie pro udržitelnou budoucnost České republiky.

Infrastrukturní rozvoj

Zaměřujeme se na rozvoj energetické infrastruktury a zajištění její spolehlivosti a efektivity.

Energetické projekty

Zajišťujeme projekty pro energetickou bezpečnost a infrastrukturu v ČR.

A serene landscape featuring rolling green fields descending towards a coastal area. In the background, wind turbines are visible on the horizon, standing against a golden sky at sunset or sunrise. The scene captures a mix of natural landscapes and modern renewable energy technology.
A serene landscape featuring rolling green fields descending towards a coastal area. In the background, wind turbines are visible on the horizon, standing against a golden sky at sunset or sunrise. The scene captures a mix of natural landscapes and modern renewable energy technology.
Obnovitelné zdroje

Podporujeme rozvoj obnovitelných zdrojů energie pro udržitelnou budoucnost.

Infrastruktura energie

Zaměřujeme se na rozvoj a modernizaci energetické infrastruktury v ČR.

Two large wind turbines stand against a bright sky with scattered clouds. The blades of the turbines are clearly visible, adding to the sense of scale and height. The scene suggests a focus on renewable energy.
Two large wind turbines stand against a bright sky with scattered clouds. The blades of the turbines are clearly visible, adding to the sense of scale and height. The scene suggests a focus on renewable energy.

Energetická bezpečnost ČR

Současné výzvy a trendy

  1. Energetická bezpečnost – omezení závislosti na dovozu fosilních paliv a rozvoj vlastních kapacit (např. jaderná energie, obnovitelné zdroje).

  2. Kybernetická bezpečnost – ochrana před útoky na datové a řídicí systémy.

  3. Změna klimatu – příprava energetických systémů na výkyvy počasí a přechod na nízkoemisní zdroje.

  4. Evropské regulace – sladění s cíli Evropské unie, např. v oblasti dekarbonizace.